Growth is rooted in learning. Revising what we have been taught, what we have always believed, and progressing toward a greater good.
We are extremely proud of "Clarity" because we challenged ourselves to develop something we knew customers were looking for and we know you are going to love it.
In "Clarity" you will enjoy syrupy notes of brown sugar with a rich foundational tone of freshly baked brownies.
We have been sticklers in avoiding medium roast offerings for no real reason other than being taught in a blanket fashion that "medium roast" = bitter, roasty, or unpleasant coffee which is absolutely untrue. In the process of creating our medium roast, Clarity, we learned that, yes, roast levels are amazing marketing tools because they register with customers. They categorize coffee selections easily for the customer which is amazing, however, it tends to hinder people from trying different "roast levels" of coffee from other companies/roasters. You heard it here first -> "All roast level labels are not created equally."
One roaster's definition of medium, we likely consider more of a dark roast and they likely would consider our medium possibly still on the light side of medium. This is one reason we much prefer accurate flavor descriptions.
Even if you prefer lighter roasts, we still believe you will love this coffee. It is a rich, syrupy, and bold brew that is not overpoweringly burnt or bitter tasting.